December 31, 2024
Cancun, Mexico

Kylie & Jake






December 31, 2024

Cancun, Mexico
227 days227 d6 hours6 h56 minutes56 min46 seconds46 s

Our Story

Our love story started with a simple assignment. Kylie was to get Jake to accept a job offer, but she got way more than she bargained for... We met on the rooftop of Ponce City Market in Atlanta during the 2017 "celebration weekend," a weekend thrown for everyone who had just received job offers at Kylie's company. Jake was the only one who had not accepted his offer yet. The Firm didn't like that, so they decided to act. The recruiter put her top resource on the task, calling upon chatty Kylie Tan. "You're friendly. Go talk to Jake and get him to sign" Jake, oblivious to what was going on behind the scenes, was excited about this cute girl talking to him, "sparks were flying," he might have said. Meanwhile, Kylie could nearly taste success. Unrelated to this interaction, of course, Jake signed the offer. Now it was Jake who began the scheming. He still had a whole year of school left before starting work with Kylie, so he started planting seeds. It began with an innocent facebook message. "Where is a good place to live in Atlanta?" he messaged, knowing full well where people live, having spent the last 3.5 years in Atlanta for school. She replied with a long text outlining the neighborhoods with pros and cons of each. Jake knew he was in. But it wasn't just Jake putting in the work, fate also got involved. First, it was a couple of chance encounters at Atlanta bars. Then, a run-in on the streets of New Orleans at Mardi Gras. Each encounter gave Jake an excuse to send more Facebook messages, tending to the sowed seeds. September 2018. Jake was in line at Chipotle when he scored the invite to Kylie's birthday party. Jake's friends knew about his gardening over the past year, and were excited for him. Jake went to the party, found Kylie, and the rest is history.

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